997 resultados para Digital factory


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Digital factory is a concept that offers a collaborative approach to enhance product and production engineering processes through simulation. Products, processes and resources are modeled to be used to develop and test the product conception and manufacturing processes, before their use in the real factory. The purpose of this paper is to present the steps to identify the Critical Success Factors (CSF) priorities in a digital factory project implementation in a Brazilian company and how the Delphi and AHP Methods are aiding to identify these CSF priorities. Copyright © 2008 SAE International.


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This paper describes how dimensional variation management could be integrated throughout design, manufacture and verification, to improve quality while reducing cycle times and manufacturing cost in the Digital Factory environment. Initially variation analysis is used to optimize tolerances during product and tooling design and also results in the creation of a simplified representation of product key characteristics. This simplified representation can then be used to carry out measurability analysis and process simulation. The link established between the variation analysis model and measurement processes can subsequently be used throughout the production process to automatically update the variation analysis model in real time with measurement data. This ‘live’ simulation of variation during manufacture will allow early detection of quality issues and facilitate autonomous measurement assisted processes such as predictive shimming. A study is described showing how these principles can be demonstrated using commercially available software combined with a number of prototype applications operating as discrete modules. The commercially available modules include Catia/Delmia for product and process design, 3DCS for variation analysis and Spatial Analyzer for measurement simulation. Prototype modules are used to carry out measurability analysis and instrument selection. Realizing the full potential of Metrology in the Digital Factory will require that these modules are integrated and software architecture to facilitate this is described. Crucially this integration must facilitate the use of realtime metrology data describing the emerging assembly to update the digital model.


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A Digital Factory is a concept which improves the collaboration among product development processes. Despite the benefits brought by this concept, failures may occur in its implementation. This paper aims to present the Critical Success Factors in the implementation of a Digital Factory project in a Brazilian company. These factors were identified by an exploratory survey on the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning and Product Lifecycle Management among other systems. Following this identification, the factors were prioritized using the Delphi Method and the Analytic Hierarchy Process; this evaluation was carried out by professionals from enterprises which implement Digital Factory projects, in Brazil and abroad. Nine factors were identified. The five main priorities were: Continuous Support and Commitment from Top Management; Comprehensive Business Reengineering; Skilled and Experienced Partners; Participation and Commitment of Users; and Appropriate Role of the Project Manager.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Part 13: Virtual Reality and Simulation


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生产线数字制造环境是数字化工厂的核心 ,而加工过程的仿真与验证技术构成生产线数字系统的底层结构与制造过程数字化分析的主要内容。分析了目前加工过程在几何仿真与物理仿真方面的研究情况、研究方法与存在问题 ,就该项技术向生产线数字制造环境融合的关键技术 ,即综合设备数字样机的完整数字加工环境的建立及加工过程仿真与上层制造环境的信息集成等进行分析与研究


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The design of efficient assembly systems can significantly contribute to the profitability of products and the competitiveness of manufacturing industries. The configuration of a an efficient assembly line can be supported by suitable methodologies and techniques, such as design for manufacture and assembly, assembly sequence planning, assembly line balancing, lean manufacturing and optimization techniques. In this paper, these methods are applied with reference to the industrial case study of the assembly line of a Skycar light aircraft. The assembly process sequence is identified taking into account the analysis of the assembly structure and the required precedence constraints, and diverse techniques are applied to optimize the assembly line performance. Different line configurations are verified through discrete event simulation to assess the potential increase of efficiency and throughput in a digital environment and propose the most suitable configuration of the assembly line.


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The increasing usage of discrete event simulation packages for modeling and analyzing manufacturing and logistics has led to a need for connecting simulation models together at runtime. One such methodology for linking discrete event simulation models together has been developed for this research and this paper demonstrates the usage of this linking method. A unified simulation model is developed from two submodels developed using different simulation packages.


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Whilst tertiary institutions continue to invest heavily in the technological aspects of online Teaching & Learning (T&L), there does not appear to have been a commensurate investment in the “human” aspects of the use of the technology. Despite the broad recognition that teaching and learning materials need to be adapted for and to the onscreen medium, little attention appears to have been paid thus far to the actual people who are delivering it – who equally need to “adapt themselves” to that medium, in order to maximise the benefit of the technology by maximising the human communication skills of those using the online medium – as distinct from the technical skills required to drive and deliver the bits and bytes. The REdelivery Initiative was a direct response to that notion. This paper details – by way of a narrative of one of the workshop participants – that part of the process involving the professional development of academics specifically in and specifically for the digital, online, T&L context, in order to both illuminate and maximise the potential and opportunities afforded by the technology.


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1) Ansicht des Innenhofes mit den Buerofenstern